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dont+try+this+at+home• 乗馬クラブの柵の中以外に「馬と広大な草原を駆けてみたい」「ドラマや映画の主人公ように地平線を馬で駆けてみたい」という 夢を叶わせる大自然に抱かれる自由乗馬体験をおススメします。



Khustai Np• 単に乗馬を楽しむだけではなく、馬にかかわる全ての文化も楽しんで頂きます。モンゴル遊牧民の家畜の中で最も尊ばれ、馬具なども同様に尊いものとされ、決してまたいだりしません。ナーダム祭で優秀した馬は英雄のように称えられます。夏になれば乳を搾り、馬乳酒という飲み物を作ります。このように馬は乗馬の道具ではなく、遊牧民にとって大切な財産であり、生活の一部であることをよく理解する日本の乗馬とは全く違う「モンゴル乗馬」を体験できます。
― 蒙古馬の先祖野生馬タヒが生息する国立公園を訪れる
― 蒙古馬、競馬の纏わる物語や伝説、歌、馬頭琴の演出などを御紹介
― 仔馬の調教、馬の乳搾り、馬乳酒作りなどの乗馬に加えて馬にまつわる豊かな内容

Untitled-3• お子さんからご年配の方でも、未経験者から 経験者まで


Untitled-4• 準備するものは特にナシ。



Mongolia-horseback-rider1-324x324• モンゴルの馬 「馬に乗りにくる」ではなく、「触れ合いにくる」感覚




guide book• 充実した乗馬指導・乗馬マニュアルブック

• 健康とストレス解消(馬に乗ってストレスなんて吹き飛ばそう。)


tumblr_mzhb5fJfuV1qkatuko1_1280• 子供教育と乗馬



モンゴルの大地は果てのない大草原です。「蒼き狼」ジンギスカンの子孫たちと共に蒙古馬を駆けて走りましょう。単に乗馬を楽しむだけではなく、馬にかかわる全ての文化も楽しんで頂きます。お子さんからご年配の方でも、未経験者から 経験者まで心配なく、気軽に乗馬を楽しんで頂けるように直営キャンプグルバンブラグで「乗馬体験スクール」を実施しています。乗馬体験・遊牧民訪問・野生馬見学・馬文化

gurvanbulag 001

• Tour starting (start in Ulaanbaatar):
TM01 11 Jun
TM02 25 Jun
TM03 16 Jul
TM04 30 Jul
TM05 13 Aug
TM06 27 Aug
TM07 10 Sep

Price from:
USD 2570per person

Included: All activities described in the itinerary, twin/double basis hotel accommodation (2 nights) in Ulaanbaatar and Ger camp stay (10 nights) in countryside, stay in community based Ger camp (2 nights) in countryside. English speaking guide service, entrance fees to Protected Areas and sightseeing costs, all transfers by bus/minibus in the city and by 4WD Russian minivan in the countryside. Meals of breakfast, lunch /picnic/ and dinner as mentioned per day itinerary.

Excluded: International transportation to and from Mongolia, travel insurance, mineral (bottled) water and alcoholic drinks, tips and gratuities, laundry and items of a personal nature.

An advantage of this trip you can travel through different zones and enjoy vast open spaces with natural contrasts within several days. During the trip, approximately it takes 4-7 hours driving from one to next destination. Each 1-1.5 hours, we have short stop frequently for photographs, toilets, stretch and meet with local nomads. In the countryside, we use 4WD vehicles, specially, Russian minivans and Japanese jeeps. Normally, 2-3 people are in one jeep with luggage. The minivan has capacity of 7 people with luggage. All vehicles used in our tours are insured and carefully prepared before departures. Our drivers are also good mechanics, have many years of experience for driving through unmarked, unpaved bumpy roads in the countryside.

Overnight we stay tourist camp. It is very enjoyable for the guests to stay in tourist camps when they are in the countryside. Most of the tourist camps supply the Mongolian traditional dwelling “Ger” as guest’s accommodation. Ger is a very convenient dwelling as moveable, dome-shaped and constructed of wooden framework and felt cover. Tourist Ger is heated by a wood stove and furnished with traditionally painted wood-framed beds (with full sized mattresses 137x190cm) or hotel standard size beds with clean sheets, comforters, pillows and blankets. Normally, three or two beds are in one Ger. If client want to stay alone in a Ger there will be an additional charge. The camp provides restaurant/bar, western-style toilet, washing facilities and showers. The numbers of low-impact eco Ger camps are increased and many business people started in practicing for environmentally friendly concepts in last year’s. We prefer and cooperate with Ger camps that follow this core responsibility and able to provide best services for our clients.

When you stay in Ger camps, the camp provides meals of mostly western cuisine and also we can enjoy Mongolian traditional cuisine. Sometimes there are not many choices for meals in tourist Ger camps due to their remote location. Mostly we have picnic lunch from ger camps. It is also available to have and taste traditional dairy products such as yogurt /Mongolian name is tarag/, dried milk curds /aaruul/, milk tea /suutei tsai/, fermented mare’s milk wine /airag/, sour cream /tsotsgii/ and cheese /byaslag/ when you visit to nomad herder families.

Generally, in Mongolia water quality is good. But you are advised to buy mineral water. Bottles of Mineral water are available from shops, food markets and kiosks in capital and many of the provinces centers and tourist Ger camps in countryside. Mineral or bottled water usually exclude in our offers since we try to produce as less garbage as possible. But in the other hand we provide well plenty of drinks like tea and coffee during our tours.

We highly appreciate your decision for traveling to Mongolia with our company. Thus, we are pleased to assure the quality of your tour.
Please kindly check our Terms & Conditions and fill out the online booking form as below. With your given information, we would get back to you immediately for further confirmation.
Thank you very much and look forward to see you soon!

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