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Sustainability Principles

The Key elements of our concept:

1.We try to ensure that the local people are happy to receive tourists in their home, and are informed of the possible impact.

2.We plan our tours in a way which maximises the opportunity to meet local people and learn about the local culture.

3.We encourage our guides to present talks and discussions on all aspects of the history and culture to present a balanced view of the country.

4.We brief clients on the significance of local customs, traditions, religion, body language and eating habits in the country, so as to foster respect and understanding and avoid causing offence.

5.We encourage and initiate contact with local people as much as possible. We prefer to promote cultural exchange through playing games, showing photos and conversation. Where there is local contact, learning a few words in Mongolian language can be a great way to make contact.

6.We highly promote an economic benefit to the areas visited by using a variety of local restaurants, shopping in local markets and buying locally produced goods but also by avoiding any overuse which may deprive locals of goods.

Download our Code of Conduct for travellers to Mongolia  here!

(.pdf format – requires acrobat reader!!)

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