The Ovgon Khiid monastery is located in the mountains of Khogno-Khan 257 km away from Ulaanbaatar, o¬n the way to Arvaykheer,Uvurkhangai province. 173 km away from Arvaykheer and about 75 km away from Kharkhorin. It is impossible to drive right up to the impressive ruins of the monastery situated at the altitude of 1532 meters.
The only way there is to walk from the functioning monastery Khogno-Tarni Khiid, which stands lower o¬n the hill. You can reach the lower standing monastery by car,
Stone stairs along the steep slope will lead you to the temple. These and many other monasteries were destroyed during Stalin’s purge. In 1980s newly rebuilt.
From the functioning monastery the trail through the valley and a birch wood will take you up to well preserved ruins of the Buddhist monastery Ovgon-Khiid.