(+976) 11-354662 | info@tourmongolia.com | sales@tourmongolia.com
(+976) 11-354662 | info@tourmongolia.com | sales@tourmongolia.com



Scenes of National Parks

FromUS$ 490
Availability : Year round

3 Days 2 Nights
Exploring varied natural landscapes
Visiting cultural heritage sites
Experiencing nomad culture

Wide Steppe & Wild Horses

FromUS$ 330

2 Days 1 Night
Spotting wild horses
Traditional folk song
Tasting dairy product
Mongol nomadic live show

Tuul river rafting

FromUS$ 120

Day trip
Rafting Tuul river
World biggest statue of Chingis Khaan
Adventure on river
Team building

Nomadic Lifestyle

FromUS$ 290

2 Days 1 Night
Home stays nomad
Learning nomad live culture
Visiting ancient heritage site
Spotting wild horses

Nomad ride

FromUS$ 160

Day trip
Visiting nomad family
Galloping Mongolian horse
Watching giant turtle rock
Visiting Chinggis Khaan horse statue

Hike to Khan Mountain

FromUS$ 120

Day trip
Hiking through Mongolian sacred mountain
Getting panoramic view
Visit Manzushir temple
Eagle view on mountain top